Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Beach Wave with a Flat Iron

Beach waves can be tricky to master yet the most comfortable going of hairstyles. So we decided to break down every step so that you can look like you just stepped out of a salon.

Beach Wave

Always Apply Heat Protectant

Take a heat protectant to suit your hair needs, if you have a frizz-prone mane opt for a smoothing heat protectant for silkier locks and if your hair is dry choose a hydrating heat protectant for shine. Whether your hair is dry, frizz-prone, or both give your hair a quick douse and brush through thoroughly.

Section off your Hair

Section your hair by parting your hair straight down the middle and pin one side up. With the unpinned side start to the section that in half by starting at the top of your ear and bring across to the center part, whatever is above the ear pin into place and repeat on the other side. If done successfully (and it may take a few tries and that’s okay!) you should have four sections two below the ear and two sections above.

Start Curling with Small Pieces

Now that your hair is sectioned into place start at the bottom sections and work your way up. Take a one-inch section of hair at a time and begin to curl. The smaller the section is the more defined your curls will be, the thicker the section the more of a blown-out curl you’ll create.

Twist Your Flat Iron 360 Degrees and Pull Down

After you’ve decided what type of curl you want, place the small piece of hair you want to curl on the flat iron at the root of the hair, twist 360 degrees away from your face and pull down. You can mix-match directions for a more laid back natural-looking curl as well.

Brush Your Curls Out

As soon as the curls have cooled down gently brush out and style to your liking. Now if you like added volume flip your head upside down and hair spray before flipping your hair back up. And finally you will get Beach Waves hair.

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